Megaboard Bulgaria is the media, which preformed for the first time in Bulgaria a 3D Outdoor Mapping Projection for LG Electronics Bulgaria. The unique 3D Mapping Outdoor show took place on the fasade of Ivan Vazov National Theatre. This exclusive project was followed by a number of similar events by clients of Megaboard Bulgaria from the city of Sofia and the country. The 3D Outdoor Mapping combines the impressive effects of all modern technologies with the endless possibilities of the outdoor advertising in a spectacular event of sound and light on a classical city architecture. Each building can come alive before your eyes, presenting YOU and YOUR product in an unusual light, and providing maximum efficiency of your campaign and its communication.
Megaboard Bulgaria is a company with a strict policy according to the city environment. Since the begining of the company, more than 10 years ago, Megaboard Bulgaria is actively involved in refreshing and renovating of many central buildings in the capital by funding all kind of construction and reparation activities. The Copmany rebuilds the facade of a building in a poor condition, taking care of all the expences conserning the reparation and in return recieves the right to place a scaffold with a net that serves as a protection for the pedestrians from falling costruction materials and at same time, is an advertising platform. Thanks to a large number of advertinsing campaigins, mainly including international clients, Megabord Bulgaria has renovated dozens of buildings in the capital, providing non-standart advertising space for its clients on the saftynets of the scaffolds, placed on the facades of the buildings. In addition to making city environment more pleasant and colourfull, this kind of advertising also ensures the funding of that spacific thing that nieghter the building owners, nor the Munisipality can do without money. Megaboard Bulagria supports initiatives and charity activities to preserve the surrounding environment and maintain a better appearance of the urban area. By financing the construction and renovation of diferent buildings, the company performs socially responsible activity and supports owners that are unalbe to repair the outdoor space of their homes. Particularly common and urgent is this problem in the central urban part of the capital. On the other hand, once a building has been redeveloped, it reduces energy consumption and saves resources, which is our way to participate in a more orderly, environmentally friendly and refined urban space.